MoSTA Homepage
Multiplayer or Singleplayer Text Adventure
About MoSTA
MoSTA started as a text game engine that I'm writing to learn more about Java. As I write it, I learn much more than any book could teach me and gain the experience of planning and developing a game. I plan to have a career in game programming after college, and I believe that this is the best possible way to prepare for it.


Project Info
MoSTA uses XML files to store game data. When a game is started, the data for rooms, items, and NPCs is loaded into memory, and the game begins. MoSTA is currently only singleplayer, but I plan to make it for multiplayer use as well. In order to be the easiest to use game engine, MoSTA will have a GUI world creator that will allow you to make a layout of the rooms in the game and create items, NPCs, and event scripts. The world creator will make all the XML files for you, allowing you to package them and put them online for other people to download and play.

MoSTA's game mechanics are based off of the Open Game Content SRD, with some of my own rules added in. You can view the hypertext version here.

You can look at the SourceForge project page here.

MoSTA will be released with several "official" singleplayer campaigns. You can also download and play ones created by other people. I'll release campaigns for MoSTA as often as I can. At the moment, official MUDs haven't been discussed yet.
Contact Me
If you need to contact me, send an email to:
For downloads, bug reports, etc., go here.
Because this is a learning project, any person who is starting Java or who wants to learn Java is welcome to help out. Feel free to email me and ask to join. Logo           Last updated on June 25th, 2006.